
pulled red scarves tassels

Bushuhui diary writing, love is a very substantial matter. Because she is busy every day, her activities to plan prepared early next week. If only love sitting in the Park on the cool one's heels, four eyes look what means? Shandong GK head two or three, good-hearted, but very stupid, but for rich content, lively atmosphere she has racked its brains thinking ideas, they do not know to do.
Yang Cheng lie in bed and say to yourself, love a little bit tired. He asked himself, I do, to accompany a child play love games? But bushuhui a smile at a time to stand in front of bright, loud, lovingly called his name, he was a bit reluctant.
He was a little reluctant because can never guess what bushuhui next to him. That his Department, for example, basketball games, bushuhui holding a red balloon entered the stadium, everybody look at her, look at the red, the following words: "I Yang Cheng, slam dunk Almighty! "For instance, his classes, we read the thick of the structural mechanics, every page has a bushuhui painting of flower grass baby, brushwork unadorned and childish to make people laugh, she said, is wants to let his smirk in class. Another time, she hurriedly rushed dormitory for him, nervous and sad: "my students, said you so thin, is there any disease? "He laugh or cry, said their health was. After that, bushuhui to buy him a box of milk every day, day cool, soak in hot water for a while, she has to taste first, holding only to him, "global warming, come drink! ”
Is this the right love? This is not love. He could not refuse to follow her footsteps, seemed to be accommodating of her play, or when her internship, or because of loneliness, he wanted to clear.


Due to the break up, so they go out to eat a good meal.
Similarly the North door of the small restaurant, the same cold, served late, are also hungry, are also countersunk let go and eat. Eating eating, bushuhui Snort: "we is eating a goodbye dinner, you can't hold a little sad? "Yang Cheng" Oh "sound:" I forgot. ”
Meal for two people to walk for a while, there is a not a sentence to say then. "I sum up about it, in fact, if we practice love is fun, colorful, although almost feel. "" Well, do you have a little bit like me? ”
"It. "" Really fake? You are talking most has no position, evasive lukewarm to swallow to swallow an equivocal is unknown! "Bushuhui stopped in front of the Lange Internet Cafe, his hands pulled red scarves tassels, smiled and said:" I have been a bit like you. ”
Bushuhui turn and walk away, her expression out of sight. He thought for a while, is not keeping up. Watching her run up the stairs red scarf throw a throwing figure, he suddenly has a little melancholy. This is a good-looking girl is cute, but has nothing to do with him now, tomorrow is, after all. Some of his chest is stuffy, don't know the name is not hard.
After that, he is no longer positive met bushuhui. Sometimes walked in he would suddenly back on the road below, seems to worry about missing her. Would like to have more, which have so skillfully. Maybe it's fate is not enough, and missed is missed.
Graduation when he sold all his books, in addition to that of the structural mechanics, with people to see in the future, in fact, he only wants to keep those little grass baby small flowers of art – bushuhui art. He comes to the supermarket always used to buy him a box of milk--bushuhui to buy that brand. He was so thin, because he often forgot to drink.
Sometimes curiosity, the girl has not found her love, the kind of genuine feeling, hug and kiss?
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let you eat some more

 College entrance examination concluded that night, some book someone singing some wandering through the night, bushuhui is on the small bed to write his diary. She has written many, writing flying jump, I'm afraid your are difficult to identify, but the last two sentences are particularly clear, seems to be a solemn declaration: "the era of my abstinence, at this point, first-year university I would like to see many zashu, he knows a lot of friends, the most important thing is, caught a boy, try the taste of love. ”
Her style is, do something to have blood in the burning feeling, like freshman of the year in early winter, skies thin snow, her round the large red scarf, breath ran to the top of the school of civil engineering building.
From the ninth floor looking down, was premeditated. All said this building highlights the school's most outstanding boy, today she is brazenly "catch" one. Bell ringing, the boys file out, she detached red scarf, raise one ' s hand throw down like ancient hydrangea strigosa, regardless, and call upon who, who is caught. Since the God Cupid is not long eyes, then the beginning of a game of love, who also cannot get? Day! Red scarf fell on a tree branch on the tree, like a banner of victory.
Bushuhui is frustrated, she readily caught a high thin boy, thin people are better suited for climbing trees. She only had time to think this, did not look at people's faces, so Yang Cheng is looking at, only because he is thin, and loose, somewhat slovenly.
Struggle, Yang Cheng finally get the scarf down. Bushuhui this process is very pleased with this good person, as originally planned, caught him, HA HA.


Appointment is made by bushuhui for the first time on the grounds that thanks to Yang Cheng climbing rescue her scarf. She invited him to the North outside a small restaurant. Vegetables slowly, cold, hungry, so what up what clear. Almost time to eat, have two people cooked complex. Bushuhui asked: "do you have a girlfriend? "Yang Cheng shook, but suddenly hear bushuhui said:" I do your girlfriend. "He's no small surprise, less talk, bushuhui said:" I said really, no kidding. I want to cultivate a love of you, have to cultivate your love for me. "Yang Cheng counterproductive.
"How do I know not to do your girlfriend will love you, practice. "Bushuhui giggling, Shandong GK like this stupid.
Yang Cheng sent her back to the hostel that night, the worries of heart is better than sweet. All---bushuhui tell him all about her birthday, hobbies, home address, also have their appointment planning.
In accordance with the bushuhui arrangement, have dinner in the dining hall on Wednesday, he was up. Sitting in a corner, Shandong GK look left, sort of a guilty conscience. Bushuhui busy clips over pork ribs: "this is my way of expressing love, let you eat some more. ”
Go to the library on Thursday evening, sitting face to face learning. Shandong GK dedicated, didn't want to face a pain, is the bushuhui call from a small paper, going slightly mad, spread out, it says: "look at me, looked me every 20 minutes 30 seconds, I read you some times! "Look up look, opposite bushuhui Yingying smile, suddenly they made a face next second, Yang Cheng and quickly dropped. They go to the cinema on Saturday, bushuhui eat popsicle, Shandong GK have to oblige. The cold, two people ate all the chills. Bushuhui heating in cold hand drilling his collar, he was smiling and gas to escape. While her quiet layangcheng hand over: "my hands were warm, help you warm-a warm, wool from the sheep anyway. ”
The street people coming and going, he was obedient to her hand, her hands wet, the feeling that he couldn't.
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New Zealand earthquake survivors about the experience: life and death decisions transient response

Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake some of the survivors about their experiences ... 23 ... a trapped woman called television stations, hoping the arrival of the rescue quickly.

Described in both miraculously survived the process, but also witnessed the sad memories of the victims of others.


Sven Baker of the survivors, the instant decision to save him. Earthquake struck, collapsing buildings where Baker, who drill into the table, fortunately survived.

"Come out alive, would be a miracle," Baker told the "New Zealand Herald" reporter, "This is a major earthquake shook your feet off the ground ... ... after the earthquake ruins everywhere."

According to Baker's argument, usually, people have two kinds of knee-jerk reaction, either out of the door, or to immediately drill down tables, chairs, cars, etc. below. "I drill down under the table, then the entire building collapsed. I am glad he decided to do instinctively."

Baker points out of danger after seeing the streets full of people, most of the panic. Baker recalls that scene as the battlefield, "dust everywhere, people screaming panic, smell of gas in the air."


Another survivor said Paul Hewison, can survive, is entirely a fluke.

At that time, Hewison, and a colleague are offices, a large piece of ceiling fell from the top of the head, pressing them to.

"We went to the office door, and suddenly, like a bomb explosion. Then, the head of the concrete slab fall ... ... Fortunately, when it crashed with a point of view, rather than directly who spent, which is the main reason for our salvation."

Ron Anthony was recalled experiences of fear. According to him, the earthquake he was like "toys" like the toss, but he eventually drill down to the table, escaped unharmed. He hid under a table to see "the ground moves, the building distortion."

Some bad luck, died in the disaster or injured.

Tom  see a woman holding a baby to escape, in a shopping center hit by falling objects. Woman killed on the spot, the baby survived. "We put bricks off her ... ... but she is dead."

Bulitengdeng help carry the wounded to a street, the latter falling from the third floor. "His injury is very heavy, broken pelvis."chinese furniture
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